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Exploration Outside the Classroom
2013-06-26 14:42  

The classroom is only one of the many rich venues in whichBFSstudents pursue their curiosity. We offer support for summer travel and internships, where education meets the world outside.

Summer is a great time to set aside for these pursuits.BFSrising juniors and rising seniors have a special program available to them, theBFSSummer Opportunity Fellowships. You might find yourself working for a rare books librarian at a medieval university in England, or with rural basket weavers in Botswana, or working on economic development projects in India, or helping teach English in Shanghai.

As one of the world’s leading research universities, offers you a chance not only to absorb the latest findings by top thinkers in their fields, it allows you to be part of the discovery of new knowledge.

Undergraduates often present their findings to faculty and their peers.CURFsponsors poster sessions at the annual Open House in the fall and Research Symposium in the spring. There are also opportunities through departmental symposia and at annual research presentations such as the College’s Family Weekend. Students have opportunities to publish their research through student research journals at Penn and even through co-authoring papers with faculty members.

Start looking for summer opportunities early in the spring semester. See the Research section ofCURF’s website for more information, and see our link to Penn’s International Internship Program and to a special program offering international internships just forBFSstudents, theBFSSummer Opportunity Fellowships.

While most research opportunities for first-year undergraduates during the academic year are on a volunteer basis, if you were awarded a work-study grant through the Student Financial Services office you might consider seeking a work-study position that involves research.

For students who pursue independent study during the academic year, there are opportunities to receive credit, either through a faculty member’s home department, or throughBENF099.

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